I have decide that every Monday i am going to give you a quote of some sort to help you get through the week. Every Friday I am going to give you a weekend tip.
What does this mean? Do I do this?
Every one does this. Everyone of us does this and I bet there is that one person reading this now shacking their head saying no i don't but your wrong you do. Everyone has a dream in there life, this could be anything from getting a new job, starting a family, traveling, anything.
You can't just run away from your fear, run away from what your scared of you HAVE to chase it, chase your dream go and get it before it's to late.
I know this may sound bad but as you get older you have less chance of making your dream come true and if you just run away from it all the time its never going to and as you get older you will regret it and wish you had done it but it would have been to late. I have always been told that if I want something I have to go and get it, even if it takes me weeks or even months I will get there in the end and that I have.
When I left school I wanted to do childcare and I did and completed that know after two years of doing that I changed my mind and what to do beauty. At first I din't think I could do it, i thought that everything was going to go wrong and i wasn't going to be very good at it. The longer I thought and left it, every min and second i was getting older and older and i knew if i wanted it that badly i would have to go and get it. Now I have nearly completed my dream at last! I am half way there, I have done nearly all my courses I need to do and the last big step for me now is the last course which could take me so far in life and that is what i want. I want to be out there in the world, meet new people, learn new skills. I want my dream and I am going to get it!
Don't be scared in chasing your dream. If you want it, you have to fight for it. It may take a while but as long as you keep going strong and don't run away you will get there in the end. Even if you need help along the way, its fine. Any one can do this.